Monday, June 3, 2019

Total viable count

Total executable countMicrobiology practical Total and viable counts of microorganismsAbstractIntroductionTotal and viable counts of microorganismsThere are several orders for determining total and viable counts of microorganismsTotal Cell counting is used possible counting are usedDetails of uses of cell counting, including their advantages and disadvantages.There are several methods for determining total and viable counts of microorganismsInclude other methods and include references to your kickoffBrief detail of your actual experiment, mentioning the organism and which techniques will be usedTotal Viable Count This involves counting the colonies produced by viable cells under approbative growth conditions. In pour-plate method, an aliquot of suitably diluted sample is mixed with nutrient agar at a temperature where it is liquid. Then the mixture is poured into petridishes and allowed to set.Alternatively an aliquot of the sample is spread over the agar surface of a Petridis employ a sterile spreader. Membrane filters can also be used to fix the bacterial numbers. In this method cells are filtered onto membrane filter which is then placed over nutrient agar surface.Total Cell Count The roughly common method of enumerating the total microbial cells is the direct counting of cell suspension in a counting chamber of known volume using a microscope. One such counting chamber is Neubauer counting chamber. Another method involves an electronic instrument, Coulter counter.http// and methods1 ) A pour plate method using viable countExplain the procedure where cells crosses gridlines of the haemocytometerDiscussionIn this discussion you should discuss the errors associated with measurement of viability. Discuss ways of improving the experiment and whether this could be achieved with the material providedThe experiment could be improved byTransferring the diluted solution quicker to the agar plate, so that the plate will not get pollute by the air.The experiment could be repeated more than 3 times for a reliable testThe main source of error occurred during experiment was deviation the agar plate lid open to transfer the dilutions for a long time which could of contaminated the agar plate by air.(Madigan, 2009)ReferenceMadigan, M. C. (2009). Brock Biology of Microorganisms (12th translation ed.). San Francisco Pearson international Education.

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